
Affordable New Age Data Cables-Micro Data Cable


10 in stock

New Age Data Cables

2 pieces New Age Type-C Data Cable
2A max fast charging speed
Can be used as a data cable to transfer files
Highly durable
Quality cable at affordable price


2,000 5,000

10 in stock


The New Age Data Cablescan be used to charge and synchronize your device for high speed transmission and charging.

Round design cable to avoids twisting and tangling.

The New Age Data Cables Fast Charging Rate up to 2.4A
Fast charging does not hurt the device, speed stability is guaranteed.
Easy to insert and unplug.
Environmental friendly.

Rated: 5V 2A

Sturdy, durable and long lifetime.
Full compatibility.
100% Original & High Quality data cable.
Lightweight and easy to carry.

2 pieces New Age Type-C Data Cabe
2A max fast charging speed
Can be used as a data cable to transfer files
Highly durable
Quality cable at affordable price

SKU: FK_E7GT15496 Category: